Building a continuosly updated identity graph with new, updated and deleted records
Rerunning matching on entire datasets is wasteful, and we lose the lineage of matched records against a persistent identifier. Using the feature in , incremental loads can be run to match existing pre-resolved entities. The new and updated records are matched to existing clusters, and new persistent are generated for records that do not find a match. If a record gets updated and Zingg Enterprise discovers that it is a more suitable match with another cluster, it will be reassigned. Cluster assignment, merge, and unmerge happens automatically in the flow. Zingg Enterprise also takes care of human feedback on previously matched data to ensure that it does not override the approved records.
The incremental phase is run as follows:
./scripts/ --phase runIncremental --conf <location to incrementalConf.json>
Example incrementalConf.json:
runIncremental can also be triggered using Python by invoking:
./scripts/ --run examples/
Python Code Example:
#import the packages
from zingg.client import *
from zingg.pipes import *
from zinggEC.enterprise.common.ApproverArguments import *
from zinggEC.enterprise.common.IncrementalArguments import *
from zinggEC.enterprise.common.epipes import *
from zinggEC.enterprise.common.EArguments import *
from zinggEC.enterprise.common.EFieldDefinition import EFieldDefinition
from zinggES.enterprise.spark.ESparkClient import EZingg
import os
#build the arguments for zingg
args = EArguments()
#set field definitions
recId = EFieldDefinition("recId", "string", MatchType.DONT_USE)
fname = EFieldDefinition("fname", "string", MatchType.FUZZY)
lname = EFieldDefinition("lname", "string", MatchType.FUZZY)
stNo = EFieldDefinition("stNo", "string", MatchType.FUZZY)
add1 = EFieldDefinition("add1","string", MatchType.FUZZY)
add2 = EFieldDefinition("add2", "string", MatchType.FUZZY)
city = EFieldDefinition("city", "string", MatchType.FUZZY)
areacode = EFieldDefinition("areacode", "string", MatchType.FUZZY)
state = EFieldDefinition("state", "string", MatchType.FUZZY)
dob = EFieldDefinition("dob", "string", MatchType.FUZZY)
ssn = EFieldDefinition("ssn", "string", MatchType.FUZZY)
fieldDefs = [recId, fname, lname, stNo, add1, add2, city, areacode, state, dob, ssn]
#set the modelid and the zingg dir
#reading dataset into inputPipe and settint it up in 'args'
schema = "recId string, fname string, lname string, stNo string, add1 string, add2 string, city string, areacode string, state string, dob string, ssn string"
inputPipe = ECsvPipe("testFebrl", "examples/febrl/test.csv", schema)
outputPipe = ECsvPipe("resultFebrl", "/tmp/febrlOutput")
#Run findAndLabel
options = ClientOptions([ClientOptions.PHASE,"findAndLabel"])
zingg = EZingg(args, options)
#Run trainMatch after above completes
options = ClientOptions([ClientOptions.PHASE,"trainMatch"])
zingg = EZingg(args, options)
#Now run incremental on output generated above
incrArgs = IncrementalArguments()
incrPipe = ECsvPipe("testFebrlIncr", "examples/febrl/test-incr.csv", schema)
options = ClientOptions([ClientOptions.PHASE,"runIncremental"])
zingg = EZingg(incrArgs, options)