Setting Zingg Development Environment

Instructions on how to set up Zingg Development Environment

The following steps will help you set up the Zingg Development Environment. While the steps remain the same across different OS, we have provided detailed instructions for Ubuntu OS.

Step 1 : Clone the Zingg Repository

  • Install and SetUp Git: sudo apt install git

  • Set up Git by following the tutorial.

  • Clone the Zingg Repository: git clone

Step 2 : Install JDK 1.8 (Java Development Kit)

  • Follow this tutorial to install Java8 JDK1.8 in Ubuntu.

Step 3 : Install Apache Spark - version spark-3.1.2-bin-hadoop3.2

Step 4 : Install Apache Maven

  • Install the latest maven package using the following Linux command:

sudo apt install maven

Step 5 : Set JAVA_HOME to JDK base directory

  • Go to cd /etc directory in your Ubuntu system, and open the ‘profile’ file using gedit. Just run sudo gedit profile

  • Paste these in the ‘profile’ file.

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
export SPARK_HOME=~/spark-3.1.2-bin-hadoop3.2
export SPARK_MASTER=local[\*]
export ZINGG_HOME=<path_to_zingg>/assembly/target

where <path_to_zingg> will be a directory where you clone the repository of the Zingg. Similarly, if you have installed spark on a different directory you can set SPARK_HOME accordingly.

Note :- If you have already set up JAVA_HOME and SPARK_HOME in the steps before you don't need to do this again.

Step 6 : Compile the Zingg Repository

  • Run the following to Compile the Zingg Repository - mvn clean compile package -Dspark=sparkVer

Step 7 : If had any issue with 'SPARK_LOCAL_IP'

  • Install net-tools using sudo apt-get install -y net-tools

  • Run command in the terminal ifconfig, find the IP address and paste the same in /opt/hosts IP address of your Pc-Name

Step 8 : Run Zingg to Find Training Data

  • Run this Script in terminal opened in zingg clones directory - ./scripts/ --phase findTrainingData --conf examples/febrl/config.json

If everything is right, it should show Zingg Icon.

Last updated