Step by Step Identity Resolution with Zingg on Microsoft Fabric
Implementing Zingg on Fabric: A Step-by-Step Guide
When working with data from different systems or sources, cleaning, matching, and linking data is crucial. These processes can be challenging, especially with large datasets or complex matching rules. That’s where, an open-source entity resolution tool, comes in handy. When paired with Microsoft Fabric and enhanced by the data governance capabilities of Microsoft Purview, we have a powerful combination that simplifies the data integration tasks. Let’s explore how we can use these tools together to achieve seamless entity resolution and data governance.
Integrating Zingg with Purview
Microsoft Purview is a unified data governance solution that helps us manage and discover data assets. By combining Zingg’s entity resolution capabilities with Purview, we can:
Maintain a clear lineage of matched and merged data.
Ensure compliance with governance standards.
Enhance the trustworthiness of our data.
Benefits of Combining Purview with Zingg
Purview’s cataloging features allow us to track every step of the data matching and resolution process.
With Purview, we can secure sensitive data while performing matching and linking operations.
We can keep a detailed record of transformations and resolutions, making compliance audits seamless.
Step 1: Set Up Fabric Account
If you’re new to Fabric, the first step is creating an account. Don’t worry; it’s straightforward!
Head over to Fabric and sign up for a free trial.
Once inside, take a quick tour of the interface. The Workspace tab is where you’ll organize your work. Lets give it a name like “Zingg-Fabric”.
Tip: If you’re unsure about session cluster settings, choose a New Standard Session
Step 2: Create a Environment and Install Zingg
Go the Environment tab, here we will be having a Default workspace environment.
We have click on the New Environment button so that we can install the Zingg Jar file (zingg-0.4.0.jar) in the custom libraries
We can find the Zingg jar file from Zingg-Github . then navigate to custom libraries and upload the Jar file
By this we have successfully installed the jar file. We are ready to move to the next step
Below code sets the checkpoint directory for Spark to a specified path in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, enabling fault-tolerant processing by storing intermediate RDD states.
To ensure Zingg runs smoothly, we also need the Python package. Create a Fabric notebook in our workspace and type this:
!pip install zingg
This command fetches and installs the Zingg Python library and restart the Python kernel so that you can use updated package. Also, double-check that Zingg uses the tabulate library, which should already be installed on your machine. If not, install it and verify that all dependencies are in place.
Use the following command to install the required dependencies, especially tabulate and restart the Python kernel:
!pip install tabulate
Step 4: Organize Your Workspace
It’s a good idea to keep things neat, especially when you’re working with multiple datasets and training models. Zingg requires specific folders for its labeled and unlabeled training data. Set up directory paths in your notebook:
##you can change these to the locations of your choice##these are the only two settings that need to changezinggDir ="abfss://<container-name>@<storage-account-name><directory-path>"modelId ="testModelFabric"
## Define constantsMARKED_DIR = zinggDir +"/"+ modelId +"/trainingData/marked/"UNMARKED_DIR = zinggDir +"/"+ modelId +"/trainingData/unmarked/"# Fill these with your specific detailsstorage_account ="# Replace with your storage account ID"fabric_url =""# Updated paths for Microsoft FabricMARKED_DIR_DBFS =f"abfss://{storage_account}@{fabric_url}{MARKED_DIR}"UNMARKED_DIR_DBFS =f"abfss://{storage_account}@{fabric_url}{UNMARKED_DIR}"## Import necessary librariesimport pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport osimport timeimport uuidfrom tabulate import tabulatefrom ipywidgets import widgets, interact, GridspecLayoutimport base64import pyspark.sql.functions as fn# Import Azure libraries for Fabricfrom azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredentialfrom import DataLakeServiceClient# Zingg librariesfrom zingg.client import*from zingg.pipes import*# Setup Fabric authenticationdefget_service_client(): credential =DefaultAzureCredential() service_client =DataLakeServiceClient( account_url=f"https://{storage_account}", credential=credential, )return service_clientservice_client =get_service_client()# Function to clean model directories in FabricdefcleanModel():try:# Access the file system file_system_client = service_client.get_file_system_client(file_system=storage_account)# Remove marked directoryif file_system_client.get_directory_client(MARKED_DIR).exists(): file_system_client.get_directory_client(MARKED_DIR).delete_directory()# Remove unmarked directoryif file_system_client.get_directory_client(UNMARKED_DIR).exists(): file_system_client.get_directory_client(UNMARKED_DIR).delete_directory()print("Model cleaned successfully.")exceptExceptionas e:print(f"Error cleaning model: {str(e)}")return# Function to assign label to a candidate pairdefassign_label(candidate_pairs_pd,z_cluster,label):''' The purpose of this function is to assign a label to a candidate pair identified by its z_cluster value. Valid labels include: 0 - not matched 1 - matched 2 - uncertain '''# Assign label candidate_pairs_pd.loc[candidate_pairs_pd['z_cluster']== z_cluster,'z_isMatch']= labelreturn# Function to count labeled pairsdefcount_labeled_pairs(marked_pd):''' The purpose of this function is to count the labeled pairs in the marked folder. ''' n_total =len(np.unique(marked_pd['z_cluster'])) n_positive =len(np.unique(marked_pd[marked_pd['z_isMatch'] ==1]['z_cluster'])) n_negative =len(np.unique(marked_pd[marked_pd['z_isMatch'] ==0]['z_cluster']))return n_positive, n_negative, n_total# Setup interactive widgetavailable_labels ={'No Match':0,'Match':1,'Uncertain':2}
If you’re unsure what this means, think of these folders as “buckets” where Zingg will store its work.
Step 5: Now lets start building out our Zingg Arguments.
#build the arguments for zinggargs =Arguments()# Set the modelid and the zingg dir. You can use this as isargs.setModelId(modelId)args.setZinggDir(zinggDir)print(args)
Step 6: Load Your Data
Zingg supports multiple file formats like CSV, Parquet, or JSON. For this example, let’s use a CSV file. Upload your file to Fabric.
Define its schema (i.e., column names and types):
schema ="rec_id string, fname string, lname string, stNo string, add1 string, add2 string, city string, state string, dob string, ssn string"inputPipe =CsvPipe("<pipe-name>", "abfss://<container-name>@<storage-account-name><directory-path>/<file-name>.csv", <schema>)args.setData(inputPipe)
Replace "<pipe-name>", "abfss://<container-name>@<storage-account-name><directory-path>/<file-name>.csv" with your actual file path.
So our data look something like this:
Now lets Configure the output, similarly as loading the data, output can be a CSV , Parquet ,Delta Tables, etc.
#setting outputpipe in 'args'outputPipe =CsvPipe("resultOutput", "abfss://<container-name>@<storage-account-name><directory-path>")args.setOutput(outputPipe)
Step 7: Define Matching Rules
Here’s where Zingg starts to shine. It uses your rules to decide how to compare records. Let’s say you want to match people based on first name, last name, and city. Define these fields in your notebook:
# Set field definitionsrec_id =FieldDefinition("rec_id", "string", MatchType.DONT_USE)fname =FieldDefinition("fname", "string", MatchType.FUZZY)# First Namelname =FieldDefinition("lname", "string", MatchType.FUZZY)# Last NamestNo =FieldDefinition("stNo", "string", MatchType.FUZZY)# Street Numberadd1 =FieldDefinition("add1", "string", MatchType.FUZZY)# Address Line 1add2 =FieldDefinition("add2", "string", MatchType.FUZZY)# Address Line 2city =FieldDefinition("city", "string", MatchType.FUZZY)# Citystate =FieldDefinition("state", "string", MatchType.FUZZY)# Statedob =FieldDefinition("dob", "string", MatchType.EXACT)# Date of Birth (prefer exact match)ssn =FieldDefinition("ssn", "string", MatchType.EXACT)# SSN (should use exact match)# Create the field definitions listfieldDefs = [rec_id, fname, lname, stNo, add1, add2, city, state, dob, ssn]# Set field definitions in argsargs.setFieldDefinition(fieldDefs)
Field Definitions is defining which fields should appear in the output and whether and how they need to be used in matching.
Some match types are:
EXACT means records must match perfectly.
FUZZY allows for slight differences, like “Jon” and “John.”
You can get creative here depending on your data!
Step 8: Lets tune the Zingg Performance
The numPartitions define how data is split across the cluster. Please change this as per your data and cluster size by referring to the performance section of the Zingg docs. The labelDataSampleSize is used for sampling in findTrainingData. It lets Zingg select pairs for labeling in a reasonable amount of time. If the findTrainingData phase is taking too much time, please reduce this by atleast 1/10th of its previous value and try again.
# The numPartitions define how data is split across the cluster. # Please change the fllowing as per your data and cluster size by referring to the docs.args.setNumPartitions(4)args.setLabelDataSampleSize(0.5)
Step 9: Label Data for Training
Zingg can’t magically know how to match your data — it needs your guidance! It generates candidate pairs, which are potential matches, for you to review:
options =ClientOptions([ClientOptions.PHASE,"findTrainingData"])#Zingg execution for the given phasezingg =ZinggWithSpark(args, options)print(args)print(options)print(zingg)zingg.initAndExecute()
Review these pairs in Fabric and manually label them as matches or non-matches or uncertain. Think of it as teaching Zingg what’s right and wrong.
Step 10: Lets prepare for user labeling and see if we have records for labeling.
options =ClientOptions([ClientOptions.PHASE,"label"])#Zingg execution for the given phasezingg =ZinggWithSpark(args, options)zingg.init()
# get candidate pairscandidate_pairs_pd =getPandasDfFromDs(zingg.getUnmarkedRecords())# if no candidate pairs, run job and waitif candidate_pairs_pd.shape[0]==0:print('No unlabeled candidate pairs found. Run findTraining job ...')else:# get list of pairs (as identified by z_cluster) to label z_clusters =list(np.unique(candidate_pairs_pd['z_cluster']))# identify last reviewed cluster last_z_cluster =''# none yet# print candidate pair statsprint('{0} candidate pairs found for labeling'.format(len(z_clusters)))
Step 11: Start labeling to make Zingg learn how you want to match our data
# Label Training Set# define variable to avoid duplicate savesready_for_save =Falseprint(candidate_pairs_pd)# user-friendly labels and corresponding zingg numerical value# (the order in the dictionary affects how displayed below)LABELS ={'Uncertain':2,'Match':1,'No Match':0}# GET CANDIDATE PAIRS# ========================================================#candidate_pairs_pd = get_candidate_pairs()n_pairs =int(candidate_pairs_pd.shape[0]/2)# ========================================================# DEFINE IPYWIDGET DISPLAY# ========================================================display_pd = candidate_pairs_pd.drop( labels=['z_zid', 'z_prediction', 'z_score', 'z_isMatch', 'z_zsource' ], axis=1)# define header to be used with each displayed pairhtml_prefix ="<p><span style='font-family:Courier New,Courier,monospace'>"html_suffix ="</p></span>"header = widgets.HTML(value=f"{html_prefix}<b>"+"<br />".join([str(i)+" "for i in display_pd.columns.to_list()]) +f"</b>{html_suffix}")# initialize displayvContainers = []vContainers.append(widgets.HTML(value=f'<h2>Indicate if each of the {n_pairs} record pairs is a match or not</h2></p>'))# for each set of pairsfor n inrange(n_pairs):# get candidate records candidate_left = display_pd.loc[2*n].to_list()print(candidate_left) candidate_right = display_pd.loc[(2*n)+1].to_list()print(candidate_right)# define grid to hold values html =''for i inrange(display_pd.shape[1]):# get column name column_name = display_pd.columns[i]# if field is imageif column_name =='image_path':# define row header html +='<tr>' html +='<td><b>image</b></td>'# read left image to encoded string l_endcode =''if candidate_left[i]!='':withopen(candidate_left[i], "rb")as l_file: l_encode = base64.b64encode( ).decode()# read right image to encoded string r_encode =''if candidate_right[i]!='':withopen(candidate_right[i], "rb")as r_file: r_encode = base64.b64encode( ).decode()# present images html +=f'<td><img src="data:image/png;base64,{l_encode}"></td>' html +=f'<td><img src="data:image/png;base64,{r_encode}"></td>' html +='</tr>'elif column_name !='image_path':# display text valuesif column_name =='z_cluster': z_cluster = candidate_left[i] html +='<tr>' html +=f'<td style="width:10%"><b>{column_name}</b></td>' html +=f'<td style="width:45%">{str(candidate_left[i])}</td>' html +=f'<td style="width:45%">{str(candidate_right[i])}</td>' html +='</tr>'# insert data table table = widgets.HTML(value=f'<table data-title="{z_cluster}" style="width:100%;border-collapse:collapse" border="1">'+html+'</table>') z_cluster =None# assign label options to pair label = widgets.ToggleButtons( options=LABELS.keys(), button_style='info' )# define blank line between displayed pair and next blankLine=widgets.HTML(value='<br>')# append pair, label and blank line to widget structure vContainers.append(widgets.VBox(children=[table, label, blankLine]))# present widgetdisplay(widgets.VBox(children=vContainers))# ========================================================# mark flag to allow save ready_for_save =True
Then , you just have to save the labels provided from the above code.
ifnot ready_for_save:print('No labels have been assigned. Run the previous cell to create candidate pairs and assign labels to them before re-running this cell.')else:# ASSIGN LABEL VALUE TO CANDIDATE PAIRS IN DATAFRAME# ========================================================# for each pair in displayed widgetfor pair in vContainers[1:]:# get pair and assigned label html_content = pair.children[1].get_interact_value()# the displayed pair as html user_assigned_label = pair.children[1].get_interact_value()# the assigned label# extract candidate pair id from html pair content start = pair.children[0].value.find('data-title="')if start >0: start +=len('data-title="') end = pair.children[0].value.find('"', start+2) pair_id = pair.children[0].value[start:end]# assign label to candidate pair entry in dataframe candidate_pairs_pd.loc[candidate_pairs_pd['z_cluster']==pair_id,'z_isMatch']= LABELS.get(user_assigned_label)# ========================================================# SAVE LABELED DATA TO ZINGG FOLDER# ========================================================# make target directory if needed notebookutils.fs.mkdirs(MARKED_DIR)# save label assignments# save labels zingg.writeLabelledOutputFromPandas(candidate_pairs_pd,args)# count labels accumulated marked_pd_df =getPandasDfFromDs(zingg.getMarkedRecords()) n_pos, n_neg, n_tot =count_labeled_pairs(marked_pd_df)print(f'You have accumulated {n_pos} pairs labeled as positive matches.')print(f'You have accumulated {n_neg} pairs labeled as not matches.')print("If you need more pairs to label, re-run the cell for 'findTrainingData'")# ======================================================== # save completed ready_for_save =False
Step 12: Train the Model
After labeling, it’s time to let Zingg do the heavy lifting. Training adjusts its algorithms to your specific dataset. Start training with this command:
options =ClientOptions([ClientOptions.PHASE,"trainMatch"])#Zingg execution for the given phasezingg =ZinggWithSpark(args, options)zingg.initAndExecute()
Sit back and relax — Zingg will process the data and build your model.
Step 13: Predict Matches
Once the model is ready, you can run predictions to see which records are likely matches. The output will be stored in the folder you specified earlier and select one file:
z_minScore: It represents the minimum similarity score threshold for two records to be considered a potential match.
z_maxScore: It represents the maximum similarity score threshold for two records to be considered a match or part of the same cluster.
z_cluster: It refers to the clustering logic or grouping of records based on similarity scores. It typically defines how groups of similar entities are formed after applying z_minScore and z_maxScore thresholds.
This will display the matched pairs, along with a confidence score. Review these to ensure accuracy.
Step 14: Visualize Results
Zingg creates detailed documentation to help you understand how it makes decisions. Generate and view the docs with:
options =ClientOptions([ClientOptions.PHASE,"generateDocs"])#Zingg execution for the given phasezingg =ZinggWithSpark(args, options)zingg.initAndExecute()
The report includes visual insights into the matching process.
Conclusion !
At last, you’ve just implemented your first entity resolution pipeline on Microsoft Fabric with Zingg!
By combining Zingg’s entity resolution capabilities with Microsoft Fabric’s analytics power and Purview’s governance features, we can handle even the most complex data challenges. This integration not only simplifies our workflows but also ensures that our data is clean, compliant, and ready for analysis.
When you get more comfortable, we would love if you explore Zingg’s advanced features like blocking strategies and custom match algorithms.