Zingg can use AWS S3 as a source and sink

Steps to run zingg on S3

  • Set a bucket, for example - zingg28032023 and a folder inside it,for example - zingg

  • Create aws access key and export via env vars (ensure that the user with below keys has read/write access to above) export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access key id> export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<access key> (if mfa is enabled AWS_SESSION_TOKEN env var would also be needed )

  • Download hadoop-aws-3.1.0.jar and aws-java-sdk-bundle-1.11.271.jar via maven

  • Set above in zingg.conf spark.jars=//hadoop-aws-3.1.0.jar,//aws-java-sdk-bundle-1.11.271.jar

  • Run using below commands

 ./scripts/ --phase findTrainingData --properties-file config/zingg.conf  --conf examples/febrl/config.json --zinggDir  s3a://zingg28032023/zingg
 ./scripts/ --phase label --properties-file config/zingg.conf  --conf examples/febrl/config.json --zinggDir  s3a://zingg28032023/zingg
 ./scripts/ --phase train --properties-file config/zingg.conf  --conf examples/febrl/config.json --zinggDir  s3a://zingg28032023/zingg
 ./scripts/ --phase match --properties-file config/zingg.conf  --conf examples/febrl/config.json --zinggDir  s3a://zingg28032023/zingg

Model location

Models etc. would get saved in 
Amazon S3 > Buckets > zingg28032023 > zingg > 100

Last updated